Can I play Pubg in 3G mobile phone?? Pubg MObile India

Hello friends, in this article today, I will tell you that even if you do not have a 4g phone and you all feel very, to play the game, it is also not the kind of game which is the most popular game in the world. Name is Pubg, so how can you all play it in your phone, that too in 3G phones, friends are very simple, keep reading this article from beginning to end, here I will tell you all and together you will also tell How will this game run in 3G phones. I will clear you all the confusions today. So just keep reading this article. 

So as friends all of you will know that the people who use mobile right now are 4G because this is the time of 4G, since the time the live has come, everyone has a 4G phone and with the changing times, 5G among us. Mobile has also arrived. But there is no such thing that you all cannot play Pubg mobile inside 3G phone. Friends, many people play Pubg in 3G phone also. If you all want to play, then keep reading this article, I tell you now.

Today I am writing this article because many of you were searching on Google how to play Pubg in 3G phone or can I play Pubg in 3G phone, that's why I am writing this article so that you all No Doubt is left.

Can I play Pubg in 3G mobile phone

Friends, I tell you that you can play Pubg in all 3G phones or else friends before that, let me tell you how to play Pubg in 3G phone, see if you have a 3G mobile and its processor is good if it does not hang. You can definitely play in it Pubg mobile, but as you all will know that earlier phones that used to be 3G phones used to have more than 1GB RAM or 2GB more RAM than that, all of you friends. It will be that by playing PUBG in a phone with 1 or 2GB RAM, the phone is very lagged. And network in 3G phone also does not come properly. Friends, it is difficult to play content in 3G phone but it is not impossible if your home is wifi or you can connect wifi from anywhere and your phone is good processor of 3G phone. If you have 2GB or 3GB of RAM, then you can play in it, but you will be able to play pub live mobile light in it. Because friends pub live mobile The game also warms up the 4G phone, meaning that even in the processor of 4G mobile, it is very difficult to play this game, then you can understand yourself how much difficulty it will be to run in 3G phone because the first problem was that 3G will be You will have a network problem in the phone, your internet will run slow. The other problem is that its processor is low, so your 3G phone will start hanging. So if you all have wifi, then you can definitely play and your phone's processor should be very good.

How To Play Pubg In 3g Phone? Tips

So friends, I have some important tips for all of you, using which you can also   play pubg in your 3G phone and your internet will also speed up, then friends, what you have to do first is to call your family member or someone else's 4g phone If you can play with wifi too, then what will happen if the problem of internet speed in your 3G phone will go away, then after that your second problem will be that your phone will not lag or not hang up. What you will have to do is to delete all of the extra data that is lying in your mobile.

There will be a folder named Android in the folder of your mobile, if you want to delete it, then your phone will speed up to a great extent, then you can play pubg without lag or any hang. Either, a better advice is that you sell the 3G phone to someone and combine some money and buy a 4G mobile phone. 

Because friends, you don't have any choice because friends, all of you will also know that 4G phones also have Pubg lag krta or if there is a hang, then what is 3G phone, then you should follow everything that I told you tips. So all of you can also play your game in 3G phone.


Friends, in this article today, I told you how all of you can play Pabji mobile in your 3G phone, what are the settings you should make so that your phone does not hang and your phone's internet speed also increases so that you Can also play PUBG through his 3G phone.

So friends, if you have liked the article, then please share it with your friends.

And thanks to all of you wholeheartedly for reading this post.
